Bookkeeper: The Accounting Technician

Bookkeeping today is more than just “doing the books”; it’s about integrating technology as presenting solutions to business owners on how to better manage their business. More than just compliance work we at Bookkeepers Hub believe in you developing your high-level skills to thrive as an accounting technician. Intentionally, we develop resources to help the aspiring accounting technician to build a sustainable business; one that can create wealth for you as a business owner.


 Starting Your Own Profitable Bookkeeping Business

Our mission is to help you thrive, so we have developed eGuides and courses to ensure you are equipped with the tools needed to work profitably in a rapidly changing environment.

There is a difference in knowing how to provide bookkeeping services and knowing how to build a bookkeeping business. Our resources here on this website are  intentionally designed for practitioners to build a profitable, sustainable and growing enterprise with resource updates via monthly newsletters in addition to new resources added regularly on the forum (see below). 


Building the firm of the future

There are multiple challenges facing today’s professional who seeks to future-proof their practice or business. These include a rapidly demanding digital economy where an eco-system of cloud solutions are delivery a myriad of productivity enhancing solutions but with that come the challenges of offshoring, automation and threats from accounting and financial services providers. Plan, build and execute (and transition) a pricing methodology that is geared towards fixed rate and value-add pricing and billing.


Position or Die

The concept of positioning is a key component of business marketing. It is critically important as we move on in the digital economy that a bookkeeper or a bookkeeping frim have a very clear positioning strategy. Do you have skills in the hospitality sector? Or the health sector? Or the home improvement sector? These sills sets can be built and in this course we set out key learning content with cade studies to enable the learner to passion their firm and this be able to earn higher fee revenue.


Understanding value based or fixed fee (‘flat rate’) service pricing

Hourly rate billing has its useful role but is rapidly being superseded by hybrids of value based and fixed price or flat rate pricing. This is both market driven as well as being driven by a need to add value to services which are now being automated such as data entry and bank reconciliation. Increases in productivity too plays a role as time is freed up for the practitioner. There ar issues both technical as well as psychological to learn about.


Bookkeepers Forum

Achieving best practice through marginal gains – Where do we look for best practice when it comes to business or professional service firms? Industry benchmarks are good as are comparisons to other professional groups (bookkeepers can look to accounting firms or even law firms). But to get to the ultimate in best practice, think sport, in particular the experience of the English cycling team and the London Olympics. Far from being a second rate team the English cycle team were amongst the world’s best, but Olympic Games always produce shocks (a bit like macroeconomic shocks). England’s coach presented the team with a herculean task: improve your performance by 1percent. That’s what it takes to go beyond one’s own expectations: always set goals that you can achieve….and then go the extra 1 percent, By the way, the English team smashed the all the gold medal tallies. For more on the topic of Best Practice, download the e-Guide here.

  • Today’s Enterprising Professional What does an enterprising bookkeeping and accounting professional look like today? Busy? Multitasking? Yes. But more important is that they are customer-focused. Intuitively we all know what this means; at a more pragmatic level it means asking yourself some tough questions. 
  • The Art of Winning Customers As any business owner can tell you, acquiring new customers is the driving force behind successfully growing a business. The same applies to financial services firms. But with the right skills and the resources it does not have to be a bridge too far.
  • Work & Travel: Take care of business no matter where you are We always hear stories of bookkeepers and accountants who are able to leave the country for months at a time, while maintaining their workload, and working with clients as if they are still in the office. Their peers and colleagues can never grasp the idea of travelling and working, and are always a little skeptical, but more so, really jealous.
  • Bookkeepers: How can you sell your time? When was the last time a business owner asked you: “Can I buy your time?” Bookkeeping clients may pay for your time, indeed they may ask what your time is worth, but what they really want is to know their books are up to date and, increasingly, need value added services.

Bookkeeper: The Accounting Technician

Bookkeeping today is more than just “doing the books”; it’s about integrating technology as presenting solutions to business owners on how to better manage their business. More than just compliance work we at Bookkeepers Hub believe in you developing your high-level skills to thrive as an accounting technician.

Starting Your Own Profitable Bookkeeping Business

Our mission is to help you thrive, so we have developed eGuides and courses to ensure you are equipped with the tools needed to work profitably in a rapidly changing environment.

There is a difference in knowing how to provide bookkeeping services and knowing how to build a bookkeeping business. This course, instructionally designed by business people and professionals, the course is for bookkeepers who want to build a highly profitable bookkeeping business. Delivered in seven discrete modules, the course is designed to be read, studied and absorbed in sessions over a period.


Building the firm of the future

There are multiple challenges facing today’s professional who seeks to future-proof their practice or business. These include a rapidly demanding digital economy where an eco-system of cloud solutions are delivery a myriad of productivity enhancing solutions but with that come the challenges of offshoring, automation and threats from accounting and financial services providers. Plan, build and execute (and transition) a pricing methodology that is geared towards fixed rate and value-add pricing and billing.


Position or Die

The concept of positioning is a key component of business marketing. It is critically important as we move on in the digital economy that a bookkeeper or a bookkeeping frim have a very clear positioning strategy. Do you have skills in the hospitality sector? Or the health sector? Or the home improvement sector? These sills sets can be built and in this course we set out key learning content with cade studies to enable the learner to passion their firm and this be able to earn higher fee revenue.


Understanding value based or fixed fee (‘flat rate’) service pricing

Hourly rate billing has its useful role but is rapidly being superseded by hybrids of value based and fixed price or flat rate pricing. This is both market driven as well as being driven by a need to add value to services which are now being automated such as data entry and bank reconciliation. Increases in productivity too plays a role as time is freed up for the practitioner. There ar issues both technical as well as psychological to learn about.






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