Hints’n Tips on ways to build a strong profile for your BOOKKEEPING services.
If you’re not search-friendly, you are not going to be found by someone looking for a bookkeeper in your area. And if your profile doesn’t immediately say to the searcher, hire me! then the searcher will keep searching. So how can you be sure that your profile is totally optimal? Just follow these steps:
Make sure you build a profile on the BookkeepersHub. All you need to do is fill in the form that comes up when you register here. Be sure to outline your qualifications and your bookkeeping skills and experience. Sign up now and you can look at best-in-class bookkeeper profiles from some of our top-performing members. Use name of clients (if possible). And keywords that you know have strong pull. Once your profile is built you can also opt-in for a featured profile which enhances your profile to potential employers.
Specialise or generalise? Whichever way you choose to go make sure you use words which are known as “Long tail” words: these are words that are regularly searched like “Bookkeeper” or “MYOB specialist” or “Payroll and Reporting”.
Google My Business. As all things Google, this feature is a must for local search: people search for professionals in their area so show them you’re a candidate by displaying your location.
Understand your local market. SME owners always need a bookkeeper. But you need to meet their needs which are by no means uniform across regions or industries. For example a start-up business has very different needs from a 10-year old multi-million dollar business. And a cafe or restaurant has very different needs to a dentist or plumber. So cover the bases that you feel best suit your skills and promote them on your profile and elsewhere (see #4)
Promote, promote, promote. Even if you’re a natural introvert, you can still promote effectively. That’s what we at BookkeepersHub are here for: to provide the forum for you to pick up techniques, and channels for you to tell you story. How? Check in on our Forum and follow us on LinkedIn. You will be amazed at how many prospective employers find service providers on LinkedIn. And Twitter can help you build a following and drive people to your professional services website or profile on www.bookkeepershub.com.au
Become a life-long learner. The best and highest earners in any professional group are the ones who invest in professional development. On-going professional development will make you more valuable to a potential employer
Leverage your effort. Building a business or professional practice is about consistent communications, so set time aside every week to post articles or comments on the above channels. Eventually you can present stories to local media and further build your profile to a local community.